Thursday 10 January 2008

Craft Room Re-Vamp!!!

Well I am obviously such a bad blogger!! no entry for months.......poor show. Well i won't try and catch up as that would take forever and would be very boring.

The new year project was to rid the craft room of transformers wall paper!! It has been up for so many years it had come back in to fashion (well with 5 year old boys anyway). As I don't have any five year old boys I thought it was time for it to go!!!

Anyway, it is all done now and I have nice clean - not boring- magnolia walls and all the craft stash is safely put away. As you can see i had some help from Johnny!!! he didn't get covered in too much paint...LOL

I now have a space ready for my new toy to arrive........Cricut Expressions. I have spent far to much money and ordered the Cricut machine with my Christmas bonus, oh well have to wear the Christmas jumper and turn off the heating to save on the bills instead!!! All good Fun.

1 comment:

Ana Baird said...

Great crafting area!