Sunday 31 January 2010

And the clear out continues....

Well this weekend is the second round of the grand sort out in the craft room, a job I wish I never started!!!!!

Its not going to bad, I do at last feel like I'm making progress but still finding it hard to get rid of stuff... I may not of used it for 5 years but you know if you get rid you will want it next week!

now have a pile for nursery, pile for Bethany, pile for Nicky / activity club, and pile for e-bay

best sort out my piles then !!!!!!! LOL

but amongst all the chaos I did manage to finish the page I started on Wednesday at club


Anonymous said...

Who of us haven't gotten into a bigger mess trying to clean up, then it was originally. Of course that isn't really true, but when it is all out of it's nooks and crannies, it looks worse than in the beginning. Keep up the cleaning and you will be happy in the end.

Deanne said...

that double page is beautiful, cant wait to meet up, i want my own private vintage class from you lol x
and make sure you add your ebay link :)
miss ya bird x